Monday, May 2, 2011

Finals Week: Final Video

These are my final animations of a previous project and my final project. I made this by using Photoshop, making my own brushes, and then using animation. There were many steps in creating this. The first step for the making the first video with my previous brush layers was just adding the animation. When adding animation, I first had to resize the document. I had to change the size to 72 DPI. Once I had this, I opened the animation and for each slide, I clicked on one layer at a time. I changed the seconds to either no delay, 0.2, or 0.5 seconds. I also added more frames to slow down the animation and make the pictures more clear. In making my final video, I cut out pictures of my friends and I using the eraser tool, rectangular marquee tool, and polygonal lasso tool. Once I had all these cut outs, I defined them as a brush. I then made different layers with the brushes. Once I had this I added animation, using the same process from the first video.
 I arranged things this way using because I used different values of my two hues, order of layers, and animation. Before I could define each cut out of my pictures of my friends and I as a brush, I needed to adjust the brightness and contrast to separate the blacks from the whites since it was created using grayscale. When creating my new document, I made sure it was a 300dpi RGB document. Once I had this document, I created ten layers. On each layer I put one of my brushes. Each layer had one brush. I used two hues, pink and purple, but used different values of them for each stamp. I also used scale to make some of the brushes on one page smaller while others were bigger. When making each layer, I turned off every layer except the one I was working on. Once all the layers were created, I added each one to the animation process. I am controlling the viewers’ eye by using layer order, different values, and animation. Some pictures stand out because they are either large or small in scale or darkest or lightest in value. The viewers’ eye is drawn to either one of these. The viewers’ eye is also drawn to all of the moving animation of these pictures.
These are my final animations of a previous project and my final project. The video of my previous brushes doesn’t really mean anything because it is just a collage and animation of random brushes. The final video of my friends and I does mean something. The title for this is “A picture lasts a second, but the memory lives on forever.” I am not trying to say anything with the random brush animation, but for the final animation I am trying to say that these are my best friends that I have many memories with. We take many pictures which only show that very second, but the memory of that morning ,day, night, party, whatever it may be, will always be with us.