Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 14: First Draft of Bike Lakeview

This is my first digital painting of Bike Lakeview. I made this by using Photoshop and creating my own different bike objects. There were a few steps in creating this. The first step was creating the blank document which was 180 by 24 inches 150 dpi RGB. The second step was creating a rainbow bike (gay community). I created this using the rectangular and elliptical marquee tools. Next, I made a bike helmet using the same marquee tools and adding in text. I made the Chicago Cubs symbol since Lakeview has many Cubs fans. Once having the bike helmets and rainbow bikes on to the document, I changed the background color using the gradient tool, added the word “Lakeview” using the text tool, and then finally added my bike stamps I previously made in the last project. I added the bike stamps by using the brush tool. All of the color was added by using the paint bucket and gradient tools.
I arranged things this way because I wanted to include many aspects of bike but still include things that relate to the neighborhood of Lakeview. I used order of layer, different hues and also different values. I arranged things this way because I also wanted to use repetition. For the rainbow bikes and Chicago Cubs bike helmet, I made them repeating by duplicating the layers. I changed the scale on my bike stamps because I wanted them to be smaller compared to the rainbow bike and helmet. I put Lakeview on the bottom of the document because since this is going on a pole, the bottom and middle are seen the most. I am controlling the viewers’ eye in many ways. The bright hue of orange and yellow in the background really stands out and also brings out the other images on it. The small bike stamps that are in white and black also stand out since they are of the lowest and highest value. Lakeview stands out because it is in bright green and the helmet also stands out because it has hues that are not used in the rest of the document (gray, dark red and blue). Although all these things stand out and can draw attention to the viewers’ eye, I think the main thing the viewers’ eye is drawn to is the rainbow bike because of all the colors it contains
This is my first draft of Bike Lakeview. This means that I included the idea of bike but also the aspects of the neighborhood Lakeview such as Cubs fans and the gay community. I am trying to say that there are many ways to incorporate different colors and objects for one document by using very minimal tools on Photoshop.

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